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"The Olympic Games could be the opportunity, and perhaps the only serious opportunity, to rehabilitate this heritage listed by UNESCO" *

The Fort of the Three Heads in Briançon (05)

Fort of the Three Heads Briançon JO 2030.png.png
During the previous rehabilitation project of this wonderful site, which unfortunately did not come to fruition, the GMDP Agency was appointed as Chief Architect of the MH...
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The Fort of Three Heads, future Olympic village?

Last Tuesday, Renaud Muselier visited the Fort des Trois Têtes in Briançon. A place that could become the future Olympic village.

For the time being, the Mayor of Briançon, Arnaud Murgia, refuses "to get into the numbers" in this matter, but he sees it as an opportunity for the region but also for the rehabilitation of this fort, "a heritage project" which would be supported by both the public and private sectors.

*Source - Hautes-Alpes Magazine


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